Qualification and Procedure


  1. Utilize patents and research results owned by Tokyo Tech or its faculty members, staff or students
  2. Companies established by Tokyo Tech students, graduates, staff, or former employees


Fill out the application form, then submit it to the Office of Research and Innovation with required documents.
(The linked files are available only in Japanese.)

Application form
Entry example
Company Information
List of required documents

After receiving the application form, we will conduct a hearing about the business plan. Result will be announced in about three months.
Certification will be endowed by the president of Tokyo Tech.

List of Tokyo Tech Ventures

Activity report

Use this form, if Tokyo Tech Ventures are required to submit an activity report by Tokyo Tech.

Activity report form (in Japanese only)

Contact Information

Tokyo Institute of Technology
Office of Research and Innovation
Innovation Design Platform

2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Postar Number:152-8550
*Note: Please replace [at] with @ when you send an email to us.